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Oct 22, 2022Liked by diggersleuth

'Just' pollworker software My Ass!


Our own government is in on it...


We taxpayers paid for it.

💥💥and BQQM.

You certainly deserve to have your diggin' shovel cast in Gold👊

💚God Bless Our Anons💚

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Oct 22, 2022Liked by diggersleuth

Thanks for making this digestible for us non-tech people.

I am appalled.

Where is the “vomit” or “angry face” emoji for this article.

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Oct 21, 2022Liked by diggersleuth

If we leave the doors open, the CCP is just going to march on in. Congress seems to show zero concern for securing elections. We know Biden is in bed with the CCP.

So who intends to stop the integration of Chinese tech into US Elections? 🤔

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Oct 22, 2022Liked by diggersleuth

Sounds like they’ve already marched in. Multiple metropolitan counties across the country already using their software.

Apparently most of my generation, for certain subsequent generations, were not raised as I was. And our older generation has conveniently put it out of their minds. Never trust your existential enemies. Never. Not ever. I was brought up to not trust China. Years ago (years!) I wondered why we were allowing ourselves to become reliant on their cheap trinkets, cheap clothes, etc, etc.

Yep, I’d say they are here and largely in charge in some places.

It’s up to We The People.

Sign up to work or watch the polls. Write down what you observe, then send your observations to your state election integrity group. And to your county election board. And to your elected lawmakers.

Vote in person, day of.

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